Dear Utah,
This is my love letter to you, as I sit here every morning, noon, & night in gratitude for all of the unbelievable attributes created in this beautiful place I want to send this to you with my heart full under your beautiful sky and mountains.
My favorite time of the year is here it’s time to tell you how I feel about you. Over the past several years my wife, Allison and I have fallen deeper in love with your incredibly affordable lifestyle and immediate access to the outdoors. And now that it’s fall, we get to pull our sweaters out, stir up some hot chocolate and see your most beautiful colors bloom like fireworks before they get hidden in the Utah snow.
There’s a saying that says, “life starts over again when it gets crisp in the fall”. Autumn does seem like a new beginning. Maybe it’s because the kids go back to school. Or maybe it’s the weather changing. Regardless, I couldn’t be happier to live in Utah during the fall.
Over the years it must seem like we are obsessed, as we are always trying to discover everything this state has to offer. Restaurants, mountain trails, festivals… It’s all your fault that we love you so much. The earnest, good nature of people here lead to a feeling of wanting to pitch in and invest in this growing community. More over, the proximity to nature, cultural richness that makes us love it here, is the same reason that thousands of creative folks want to raise their families in this ridiculously beautiful place. We’re here to stay. You’ve convinced us.
I will try to keep my jealousies at bay as people move here. I’ll make you a deal. If, as you grow, you pay attention with great detail to keeping Salt Lake great, then I will work hard to never get so weirdly possessive that you need to take out a restraining order.
I love you. What more could I ask for than hanging out at Snowbird for Oktoberfest? or enjoying a lazy Sunday driving up colorful Emigration Canyon to have brunch at Ruth’s Diner? Last week, my family and I took a hike up in the famous Ferguson Canyon just to see your colors change. It was perfect.
I might sound sappy- I know. But there’s something about Autumn in Utah that makes me more reflective of the things that are important. Never change.