Top Five Hikes
Narrowing down the field from so many amazing places into five is like asking what flavor of ice cream is better. It’s all great. It’s ice cream. IT’S ALL GREAT! Utah is an outdoor playground, and we are all just children on its swings. It’s hard to decide which are the best of the best. But I feel this list has it all.
1. Lake Blanche
I choose this hike as my top hike in Utah because it encompasses everything you want in an escape into the mountains. Beautiful mountaintop lake, awesome views, and wildlife to gawk at on the way. This trail will take about 2.5 hours to the top, and half the time to return. This is a VERY demanding hike, and it’s a lot of work, but it is well worth it. There’s even a waterfall at the top. Everyone should do this hike at least once.

Kevin Rowe Photography
2. Mt. Superior
Here’s the thing about Mt. Superior: Besides being one of the most iconic peeks in Little Cottonwood Canyon, but it’s a hike that makes you wind and weave and scramble. It’s difficult, but not impossible.
3. Mt. Raymond
This makes it onto the list because it’s a classic and this couldn’t be a proper list without it. A drive up Big Cottonwood takes you to this paradise. The trail stays close to the stream in the lower portion; massive fields of wildflowers encircle you. You’ll most likely still encounter snowbanks (even in the summer), and at times you’ll feel like a mountain goat in order to summit this divine masterpiece of nature.

Rebecca Buler Photography
4. Lone Peak
Lone Peak is the monarch of all trails. What would this list be without this mammoth mountain. It rises abruptly above the valley floor, sitting in a glacial, alpine cirque just miles from the city. The cirque is ringed with near vertical granite walls and offers climbing ranging from every level. Lone Peak is considered by many to be the hardest 11,000 feet to climb in the Wasatch due to the mileage and elevation gain required to sit atop it’s summit.
5. Lake Cecret
A hike that everyone can enjoy. Good for all skill levels, this makes my list because you can do it at night with a full moon. It’s enchanting, accessible, and wonderful. It’s a hike that is rejuvenating to the senses and relaxes you to your core.
Am I missing any? Let me know in the comments your favorites!