We are stoked to partner with 24 Salt Lake on a 4-part series all about how Salt Lake City is the place to be.
24 Salt Lake is always updating their site with awesome videos and pics of what’s new and what’s worth doing all around the city.
Even though when Salt Lake was founded by good ‘ol Brigham, it was a desolate desert wasteland, Salt Lake has bid goodbye to those days and become a modern and desirous place to live. Այս 4 part video series pokes fun at the long time myth that Utah isn’t “cool” which couldn’t be further from the truth. Maybe if we can get these videos to go viral people will stop having their first question when they hear someones from Utah be “Oh, are you Mormon?”.
Ես նկատի ունեմ, c’mon, Salt Lake has worked its way to a bicycle friendly city, with a cool bike-share program(GREENbike), and the residents are pretty cool too.
Watch part-one of their creative new video series and see for yourself why Salt Lake City really is the place to be.