Հիասքանչ տուն՝ յուրօրինակ ծառապատ փողոցում

Վաճառված Գին: $200,000
Տարածք: Salt Lake City
չափ: 2,020 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.07
մահճակալ: 4 / բաղնիք: 2

Օրավարձ Ft2: $99

Property Ներկիր:
Open ~ Spacious ~ Big Front Porch

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cody & Matt - 801-243-7006

Հիասքանչ տուն՝ յուրօրինակ ծառապատ փողոցում
3/5 - (1 քվեարկել)


This stunning home is ready to for you to Muve right in. The home features 4 ննջասենյակ, իսկ 1.5 վաննաներ. Plus, it has been officially deemed as Muve Approved.

Let us explain why, this charming bungalow has a very open, indoor living space complimented by a sizable, and easily maintained front porch. This home provides all the benefits for modern living with a touch of 1920’s charm.

The high quality brand-new chic wooden floors accompanied by the classic top-tier fireplace and mantle are just a few of the features that give this remodeled vintage property a very homely feel, and another reason for the Muve Approved sticker.

The kitchen is fully equipped with contemporary stainless steel appliances, stylish range hood, գրանիտ հաշվիչներ, and quirky subway tiled walls.

If there is one thing not missing in this home it’s lack of space. With a conveniently located basement laundry room and additional bedroom, this home has plenty of room and space.

The large front porch is ideal for hosting memorable get-togethers with friends and neighbors or to sit back with a refreshing drink as you enjoy your view of the quaint, tree-lined neighborhood street.

With just a 10 minute walk to popular hang outs, ինչպես, օրինակ,, Liberty Park and Park Café, only a 5 minute bike ride to downtown, and only 10 minutes to the nearest TRAX station, are just a couple reasons we have chosen this home to be Muve Approved.

Ավելորդ է ասել,, this is another incredible property that will go fast. Call The Muve Group today for a private walk-through.