Large, Updated East Millcreek Home

Վաճառված Գին: $549,000
Տարածք: Millcreek
չափ: 4,491 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.23
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $122

Property Ներկիր:
Modern ~ Huge Master Shower ~ Great Location

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cathy - 801-244-5827

Large, Updated East Millcreek Home
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը


An East Millcreek home is a popular commodity these days, as the neighborhood is highly sought-after. There are many great homes in this area, and this property is no exception. Located right in the heart of East Millcreekjust shy of 4500 souththis home comes dressed to the nines. Both the inside and outside have been completely redone and are upgraded with modern panache.

The kitchen features black granite counter tops and a center islandnot to mention all new appliances. Ի դեպ, even the bathrooms (all three of them) have been redone with you as an end buyer in the back of our minds, yes thats you we are talking to! The master bathrooms enormous walk-in shower just beams with positive vibes. Doesn’t everyone want to feel like they’re at a day spay when they get up in the morning?

There are many rooms throughout this home that can be utilized for living, Ցուցահանդեսներ, and family room space. The shining hardwood floor makes the main area of the house pop with classalmost like you own your own art gallery. It’s perfect for soirees and shindigs with colleagues, Ընկերներ, or family. Especially during the holiday season, get ready to nestle up to the crushed glass fireplace with that special someone.

The backyard is nothing shy of perfection. Consider the large, shaded outdoor patio for summer time barbecuesand even the large lawn space so the family could picnic while watching your kids attempt to blow themselves up with fireworks on the Fourth of July. The backyard even has its own private waterfall and garden trail that leads to the hot tub area.

And with those picturesque views of the sun setting on Mt. Olympus and the Wasatch rangewhat’s left to complete this East Millcreek home?

Call us today to book your tour!

Want to see more?? ՍԵՂՄԵՔ ԱՅՍՏԵՂ for the final walkthrough video or ՍԵՂՄԵՔ ԱՅՍՏԵՂ to see the halfway walkthrough video!


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