Աշխատանքի որոնում? Հետո գնա արևմուտք!

Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

It wasn’t too long ago we shared with you how IT wizards looking for a new job in the tech world would be best served by moving out to Salt Lake City, where the industry is expected to grow by leaps and bounds this year. Well it’s not just computer pros who will have their pick of the job litter in SLC. A new report has found that all kinds of jobs throughout Utah and the western U.S. in general are booming in 2014. So if you’re looking for work in the coming months, it’s time to pack up and go west!

According to USA Today, 70 percent of the states experiencing the fastest rates of job growth this year are out west, and they include Utah. While the housing market downturn a few years ago hit our region hard, the area has long since rebounded in a big way, leading to a huge spike in home building. And as anyone who has seen Field of Dreams knows, եթե դուք կառուցել այն, նրանք կգան — in other words, more houses built means thousands of new jobs to employ the people filling those homes for sale.

Between surges in oil and gas drilling operations and a rise in high-tech, white collar occupations, not only are there tons of new opportunities opening up here in the Beehive State, but they run a wide enough spectrum to benefit all different kinds of workers.

If you decide to relocate this year and need a new place to call home, let us know! The Muve Real Estate Group can help you sift through a variety of houses in Salt Lake City and find the one best suited for you and your family.