Kaysville Home BuyerJoe and Helen

Վաճառված Գին: $324,900
չափ: 2,574 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.48
մահճակալ: 3 / բաղնիք: 2

Օրավարձ Ft2: $126

Property Ներկիր:
Single Level Living ~ .48 Acres ~ Low HOA Fee

Kaysville Home Buyer - Joe and Helen
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

Joe and Helen were clients that were looking to Muve from Monroe, WA to the Layton area. Our amazing agent, Janet, spoke with them over the phone to talk about their wants and needs in a home. They are a retired couple that was looking for main level living with little to no stairs. This is a bit challenging, due to the fact that most homes in the Layton area are either two stories with basement, or even fewer, are single levels with basements. The other challenge was to find a home that did not have multiple steps leading to the front door. Այնքան, as I was searching, I decided to expand the target area a bit and add Kaysville into the mixthey really were the perfect Kaysville homebuyers. I found 618 Teresa St. եւ bells and whistles went off. I thought….”this is it!” We went to take a look and sure enough, it wasThe One” – beautiful, single level, with no basement. The yard would make any avid gardener jealous. I actually walked around the entire .30 of an acre looking for a weed. Simply because I could not believe how beautiful the yard was, needless to say, I couldn’t find one. Inside is a spacious home that is great for entertaining with that comfortable right-at-home feeling. Joe and Helen are thrilled with the home and the area. They are excited to be so close to everything, գնումներ, hospitals, freeways etc. I am very excited to welcome them to Utah.