2300 Իսկ – Sugarhouse SLC

Վաճառված Գին: $410,000
Տարածք: Sugar House
չափ: 2,663 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.25
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $154

Property Ներկիր:
2 Car Garage ~ Mother-In-Law Apt ~ Open Kitchen

2300 Իսկ - Sugarhouse SLC
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

Although we tend to venture toward the modern side of things on our site, we still have a place in our heart for the awesome traditional bungalows found in one of the greatest neighborhoods in Salt Lake. We are of course talking about Sugarhouse. Our Sugarhouse SLC home is going to be great. To get an idea of the style of this one check out our previous projects 15&9 աnd BROWNING AVE that were in Sugarhouse. The great things about this particular house are that it has a 2-car garage (which is tough to find in Sugarhouse); վարպետ հավաքակազմ, իսկ, we are going to open up the kitchen into the dining room so that it is much bigger with way more functionality. The other great part about this property is the additional income potential you have with the mother-in-law apartment. This apartment could easily bring in as much as $1,200 per month to help pay your mortgage. It has its own kitchen, լվացքատուն, entrance, and bathroom so you would never even know the renters were there. For someone who is looking for a primary residence and some additional income all while being in Sugarhouse SLC, this is your chance. Talk to one of us today to discuss pre-sale options on this home.