Cary GriffithsModern Art

Գնահատեք այս գրառումը



Ժամանակակից, Ժամանակակից, Ժամանակակից. Muve Loves Modern.

The Muve team loves to highlight visionaries, entrepreneurs, and creative people like our good friend Cary Griffiths. Cary is a local artist here in Salt Lake and is creating magnificent pieces like the ones featured in the photo gallery below. Cary’s contemporary art has one of the sexiest styles I have seen to date, and looks amazing in Muve homes. I recently had the opportunity to feature a few of his pieces at the Atomic Ranch. The artwork looks amazing in this home and I am considering purchasing a few of these for myself!

Take a look at these cool pieces that are currently for sale. Contact Cary by clicking the link below for more information on pricing and how to reach Cary.

Muve plans to feature Cary again in one of our upcoming projects, we hope to put on an art show featuring his work and hope to see you all there! Մնացեք մեզ հետ!