1226 Իսկ 3545 S After WalkthroughFind, Fund and Design

Ցուցակման գինը: $359,900
Տարածք: Millcreek
չափ: 2,882 ք.. ոտնաչափ.
մահճակալ: 4 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $125

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cathy Sneyd - 801-244-5827

1226 Իսկ 3545 S After Walkthrough - Find, Fund and Design
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

| Listing by the Muve Real Estate Team|

It’s not an official Muve owned home but we helped one of our contractors find, fund and design this home and it turned out great. The things we love about it are the original lattice at the entry, a sweet fireplace, circle opening at the bottom of the stairs and the one of a kind fireplace in the basement. Mid-Mod for under $350k?! Jump on it!

Contact us if you want us to help you find, fund, design and sell your next investment.