3586 E Hermes Dr. նախքան & Այն բանից հետո, Լուսանկարներ

Վաճառված Գին: $610,000
Տարածք: Olympus Cove
չափ: 3,196 ք.. ոտնաչափ.
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $191

3586 E Hermes Dr. Before & After Photos
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

As always with our projects, we like to give you thebefore and aftersso that you can see the transformation that takes place when we revive a home. As you might image the results are quite startling. This place went from freaky to fabulous, in just a matter of months. Ոչ միայն, որ, but some rad people bought this house. As always we love to become friends with our clients. Not only because we love them, but we are a bit selfish and want enjoy the houses with them long after the sale take place. That way we can enjoy the beautiful homes we are involved in for years to come. Cheers to Collin and Sara on a great choice for your home purchase! UPDATE: Collin and Sara have finished their addition to the home after 2 years overhaul. We have added a picture of the new addition at the start of the photo gallery. If you’d like us to help you find the home of your dreams fill out a contact form below. [contact-form to=’matt@themuvegroup.com, cody@themuvegroup.com’ subject=’3586 E Hermes Dr B%26amp;A’][շփման դաշտի պիտակ = 'Անուն’ տիպ = 'անունը’ պահանջվում = '1' /][կոնտակտային դաշտի պիտակ = 'էլ’ տպեք = 'էլ’ պահանջվում = '1' /][կոնտակտային դաշտի պիտակ = 'Հեռախոս’ տիպ = 'տեքստը’ պահանջվում = '1' /][contact-field label=’Details’ տեսակ = ’textarea’ պահանջվում = '1' /][/կապի ձև]