يقدم وسط مدينة SLC في معرض نزهة مزيج من الفن القديم والجديد

قيم هذا المنصب

لعشاق الفن مثقف يعيش في سولت لايك سيتي – أو الرجال في حاجة الى فكرة جيدة حتى الآن – هناك عدد قليل من الخيارات المحلية على نحو أفضل للتحقق من من بحيرة معرض ملح نزهة وسط المدينة. إذا كنت قط قبل, the Gallery Stroll is basically just a tour that runs through a ton of art galleries and exhibits downtownand completely free of charge! It’s an easy way to scope out some cool works of art with plenty of variety to pick from.

This month’s Gallery Stroll is happening this Friday, كانون الثاني 17, من 6 إلى 9 مساءا. The Salt Lake Tribune recently did a preview piece for the upcoming event, highlighting exhibits that will give you a great mix of both old and brand new art worth a look:

  • Peripheries: Utah native Steven Stradley has put on this solo exhibition at the CUAC, which promises to featurenontraditional paintingsthathighlight the often discarded and forgotten architectural elements specific to CUAC’s gallery space while simultaneously exploring the self-referential properties of painting.What does that mean? Your guess is good as mine. But it definitely promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience and it’s always nice to go out and support the homegrown talent.
  • Trent HarrisEcho Cave: Another Utahn! Trent Harris is a filmmaker, ready to unveil his debut exhibitTrent Harris: Echo Caveat the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, which will combine experimental films with a gallery of drawings, posters and sketches.

So if art is your thing, or you’re just curious to see what all the buzz is about, spend a couple hours this Friday night on the downtown Gallery Stroll! A Salt Lake City real estate agent can help you get a feel for the city and cool events like these, while also showing off some of the best available houses for sale.