Ons is opgewonde oor die toestand van die mark die afgelope tyd, veral tariewe. Ons is gelukkig om weer funksie Verband Mike met die nuutste verband update. As jy belangstel in 'n volle mark update is hou jy dop ons Mark Update / Statistiek deel van ons blog. Neem dit weg Mike!
“Voorrade is reg druk teen 'n hoë vlakke van 2016, fueled in part by a stronger than anticipated earnings report from JP Morgan. Today’s stock market strength is surprising, considering that Retail Sales were reported this morning to be weaker than anticipated. The report showed a decrease of 0.3% vir die maand van Maart, wat swakker as die was +0.1% verwagte. Retail Sales, minder Auto en Gas, is aangemeld by +0.1%, wat was ook minder as die verwagtinge van +0.3%.
Die produsenteprysindeks (PPI) vir die maand van Maart was na berig word -0.1%. This was well below the markets’ expectations of +0.3%, and shows that inflation is still dangerously low. Core PPI, wat repies uit voedsel en energie, is ook na berig word -0.1%, which was also below estimates of +0.2%. The year over year PPI is at -0.1%, met Core PPI op +1.0%.
Die beduidende nuus van vandag sal die aankondiging van die resultate van 'n wees 10 Jaar Tesourie Nota veiling, geskeduleer vir 11:00 is. MST. Of key importance will be the level of foreign participation. Given the lack of yield available in many competing countries, we should see a stronger than typical demand. When you consider that many countries are only paying 40 basispunte, met 'n paar eintlik laai beleggers om op te hou om hul geld, die huidige 1.78% opbrengs wat aangebied word deur die VSA 10 YTN appears relatively attractive. While a strong demand will result in lower yields, a lack of demand could potentially drive interest rates higher. Watch closely at 11:00 MST om die resultate te sien.
Verbande bly binne 'n sywaarts handel kanaal, with support just beneath current levels. We are hopeful that bonds will be able to remain above the support level. Egter, as hulle dit doen breek, things could get worse in a hurry. If you aren’t able to watch the markets closely, the safe play will be to lock. If you are able to keep your eye on the market, wees gereed om die sneller moet die mark te versag van hier af te trek.”
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