JFK arrived in Salt Lake City for the last time 50 years ago, to deliver his historical speech at the Tabernacle.
John F. Kennedy was one of the more famous presidents we’ve had, but probably for the worst reasons. Despite his tragic end and short time in office, JFK was able to connect with people all across the country and inspire a whole generation with his words and signature charm. He was renowned as a speaker, and one of the bigger speeches he ever gave was right here, in Salt Lake, 50 years ago.
Prior to that day, JFK had already touched down in SLC four times – twice as a senator and two more times as a presidential candidate. When he visited in 1963, it would be his last time, but also an historic one. Over 125,000 people lined the streets to watch the president drive past in his limo, as he rode to the Salt Lake Tabernacle to give what would be an epic 27-minute speech, covering everything from high school graduation rates in Utah to America’s role in the world.
Not to dust off my old history book here, but back then, many people argued for a “Fortress America,” where the country would just look after itself and ignore what was going on in the Cold War and the rest of the world. JFK’s speech at the Tabernacle told those people, in a word, no. It was a powerfully but politely reassuring speech that helped shape history and stuck in the minds of people all over the world for 50 jaar.
Salt Lake City isn’t just a great town to hang out in or an ideal location to raise a family (though it is both of those things). It’s also an important part of America’s history. Talk to a Salt Lake City real estate agent at Muve Real Estate today to learn about available homes for sale, so that you can become a part of this history too.