Dream Home in Herriman

Վաճառված Գին: $346,000
չափ: 3,268 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.33
մահճակալ: 4 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $105

Property Ներկիր:
Mother-In-Law - Large Yard w/ Deck - Վարպետ Suite

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cathy 801-244-5827

Dream Home in Herriman
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

Herriman’s rapid development as a desirable place to live isn’t just because of its idyllic neighborhoods. It’s become so popular because the homes in the area come with all the features you would expect in a home built for a family. Our newest listing is no exception, fitting the dream home mold perfectly.

Կառուցվել է 2001, this house is fully finished. It comes with 4 ննջասենյակ, with the option of an office/den that could be turned into a 5th bedroom. Կա 3 bathroom’s, making it perfectly equipped for someone looking to buy their forever home. Designed with vaulted ceilings (we love those), Բուխարի (for cozy nights), three large family rooms (for gatherings) and a mother-in-law apartment, this comes fully loaded. The best part is the master bedroom’s features, making it truly a master. It has a large jetted tub with a separate shower, dual sinks and a private entrance to the patio offering its own escape from the rest of the house.

The biggest bonus about living in this area is space. It comes with a beautiful back yard that is fully landscaped, and a deck that spands across the entire width of the home, which creates the perfect setup to enjoy warm summer nights outside. On that same note, if you need extra space for your recreational toys there is a two-car garage, plus lots of additional parking. Լրջորեն, this house has everything.

If you are looking for your dream home, this is it. For a short recap: the house comes fully equipped for all your personal needs and it’s fully finished so you have nothing to worry about except decorating!

Contact us today for more information!

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