Buying Your First HouseRainbow Point Dr.

Վաճառված Գին: $307,000
Տարածք: Holladay
չափ: 1,771 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.12
մահճակալ: 3 / բաղնիք: 2

Օրավարձ Ft2: $173

Property Ներկիր:
կամարակապ Առաստաղներ - Open Layout - Տարածք

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cathy - 801-244-5827

Buying Your First House - Rainbow Point Dr.
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

Buying your first house? Our new listing on Rainbow Point Dr. is your pot of gold.

If buying your first house seems like it’s going to be an endless search then do yourself a favor by looking no further and checking out our latest property. Nestled in the beautiful city of Holladay, Utah, այս 3 ննջարան, 2 bath home is almost too good to be true. Wanna know why?

The perfect size when buying your first house means being large enough to entertain but small enough to maintain. This houses layout breaks it out of the cookie cutter mold and instead shapes it into a house fit for company. All of the bedrooms are located on the top floor. What does this mean? Having your friends or family over just became that much easier. They will be free to wander the spacious living room into the open kitchen and walk out onto the covered patio. You can imagine how nice it will be when you invite us over for drinks. I mean… your friends over for drinks.

If the layout isn’t enough to tempt you then don’t forget to notice the architecturally unique built-in bookshelf that curves in the corner of the living room. Կամ, how about the staircase that ascends openly giving you a full view over the living room at the top. This house is three floors with one being the unfinished basement, so if you are looking into buying your first house and want to give it some personalization, or just add more space later then you have that option down the road.

A prominent neighborhood, Holladay almost seems to be off limits when buying your first house. One of the exceptions is this property so, այո, you can have your cake and eat it too. With the new town center in full swing, Holladay is developing into a promising neighborhood for the next generation. Close to the canyon, but far from the city bustle, this area has all the right ingredients to being the perfect neighborhood.