Energy Efficient Townhome in South JordanSay Goodbye to High Utility Bills!

Վաճառված Գին: $216,900
Տարածք: South Jordan
չափ: 1,462 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.03
մահճակալ: 3 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $148

Property Ներկիր:
Geothermal ~ $11/mon gas bill ~ Loaded with upgrades!

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Brad Hansen - 801-230-5236

South Jordan Townhome - Say Goodbye to High Utilities!
5/5 - (1 քվեարկել)

Looking for a new home but can’t quite afford to build? Built by Garbett in 2011, this energy efficient townhouse is decked out from the windows to the walls making it by far the nicest townhome on the block. If you want to start building your equity, now is the time to jump on this one.

The upgrade list for this place is redonkulous. Գրանիտը countertops, REAL hardwood floors, կաբինետներում, hardwareNeed I go on? You need to see this place if you are in the market for a townhome. Ժամանակաշրջան.

Located just north of the District in South Jordan, you are within walking distance of a movie theater and a bunch of pretty killer places to eat. Those midnight grand openings just got a little bit better.

Let’s talk about utilities….. no one likes them, everyone has to pay them. This place comes equipped with a geothermal system that quite literally uses the crust of the earth to heat and cool the house. This was a major add on that the homeowner had installed when he built it. This does NOT come standard in energy efficient homes, and is a huge bonus to have. How does $11 a MONTH in the middle of winter sound? Well you can finally achieve that. You are welcome.

Check out the photo’s and call Brad to see it!