Remodeled Home With Mountain Views

Վաճառված Գին: $410,000
Տարածք: Salt Lake City
չափ: 2,600 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.27
մահճակալ: 4 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $158

Property Ներկիր:
Mountain views ~ Glass fireplace ~ Wrought Iron Railing ~ Euroshower

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cody - 801-230-5218

Remodeled Home With Mountain Views
4/5 - (1 քվեարկել)


We have another great Muve Approved property that is located in the Canyon Rim neighborhood. This property is a complete remodel that is finished and move-in ready.

Ինչպես միշտ, we never Muve Approve a home until we have inspected it and know that it is a quality home with top-tier remodels.

This property deserves our sticker of approval because of its superior open design and that classic homely feel combined with touches of luxury that we look for.

Starting with the 4 ննջասենյակ եւ 3 վաննաներ, this home has plenty to offer in its 2600 քառակուսի ոտքերը կենսատարածքից. The upstairs layout has a master suite with an additional bedroom. Moving downstairs you’ll find two extra bedrooms along with a laundry room.

Այժմ, enough of the logistical layout of the home, let’s get to the good stuff. This home has unbeatable mountain views from the front porch looking straight up at the Wasatch Front Mountains. Talk about incredible sunrises and evening glows from the comfort of your front porch.

The master has a luxury Euroshower and walk-in closet. The main floor has a beautiful glass fireplace and rod iron stairway, and the basement has a great open layout that is perfect for entertaining.

This home is the main check-list on most buyers list. Come take a look before it’s gone.

Call us today for a private walk-through of this beautiful home.