Relaxing Beauty at Falcon Point Ct.

Վաճառված Գին: $510,000
Տարածք: կտորեղեն վաճառող
չափ: 4,112 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.30
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 4

Օրավարձ Ft2: $124

Property Ներկիր:
Killer Backyard - Դիտումներ - Վարպետ Suite

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cathy Sneyd- 801-244-5827

Relaxing Beauty at Falcon Point Ct.
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը


This chic 5 ննջարան 4 bath home has awe-inspiring views that can be viewed from one of the two living rooms, the hot tub, or the master. The 2-story house also has an outdoor entertaining space on both levels with separate entries for both, which provides a relaxing beauty at the peak of Falcon Point Ct.

As you enter the home you’ll be greeted with crown molding in the entry that leads smoothly into the airy kitchen. With its bright seamless granite countertops, the kitchen lightens up the first, of two, entertaining sized living rooms.

The walkout balcony, has plenty of room to entertain, or just admire your fully remodeled backyard with a crisp drink in hand. And that’s only part of the appeal this home is wrapped in.

The dining փորձառություն is that of a 5-star փորձառություն. The windows overlook the fresh mountainous views of the notable Suncrest Community in Utah County.

This property truly has the warm vibe we all crave when thinking about going home combined with the delicate details of luxury.

Let this property continue to entice you with the privacy given to you from the fenced yard, the fire pit, and the relaxing hot tub with alluring views – այո, we know we already said that part but thought it was worthy of saying again.

This property leaves no room for wanting. Come see it in person. Only at Muve Real Estate.