Deal Շաբաթվա – Bountiful Medical Condo

Վաճառված Գին: $1
Տարածք: Bountiful
չափ: 1,485 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.01
մահճակալ: 4 / բաղնիք: 1

Օրավարձ Ft2: $61

Property Ներկիր:
Lowest Price Unit - Minimal Repairs - Instant Cash Flow

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Tim Jones – 435-625-1865

Deal Շաբաթվա - Bountiful Medical Condo
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

After Repair Value: $125,000 (Comps)

Purchase Price: Off-Market

Repairs: $4,000

This is a great medical plaza condo. These are not rented units. Each unit is individually owned in this building. This unique opportunity could provide great cash flow for a cash buyer or cheap rent for an owner occupant. It’s conveniently located next to Lakeview Hospital and South Davis Community Hospital. Work needed is minimal and it could be used as an office for an owner or tenant immediately. A coat of paint and some carpet are recommended, but not a major concern. Nothing has sold or been listed in this complex for under $80/ft. The cheapest active now is a much larger unit at $65/ft. We are offering our smaller unit at a fire sale price of $61/ft.