Large Single Family Home with Charming, Rustic Decor

Վաճառված Գին: $190,000
Տարածք: Magna
չափ: 2,156 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.16
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 2

Օրավարձ Ft2: $88

Property Ներկիր:
Affordable - կամարակապ Առաստաղներ - Բացել Հատակագիծ

Large Single Family Home with Charming, Rustic Decor
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը


Charming and rustic decor infuses this cozy, large single family home. With plenty of storage, this property is ready for you to come home. The decor is ready to warm your family on snowy, winter nights. Its classic wood burning stove will bring you right back to your favorite childhood memories. Vaulted ceilings and large windows allow for natural light to flourish the walls throughout the longer days of spring and summer.

Featuring a spacious kitchen, replete with modern appliances and a range-top stove, you’ll have no worries about inviting over the extended family for holidays, birthday parties, and summer barbecues. With five bedrooms, you’ll have no problem finding room should any distant relatives decide to visit. Կամ, if not, you might even consider turning one of the rooms into your own office space.

The comfy living room will ensure enough room for a state-of-the-art, family entertainment center. Everyone will be wanting to come over to your place for the Super Bowl.

An over-sized two car garage is huge with room to park your motor home or recreational vehicle. Կամ, if you happen to be a handyman, the garage space is large enough to become your new work space. The large back yard is a dream come true for any nature-lover. You’ll absolutely find yourself in heaven with the mature, bristling pines, aspens and large vegetable garden space.

Featuring a fenced-in property with epic views of the Wasatch Mountain Range, this large single family home is a dream come true for any homeowner. And at just shy of $200,000, the property is ideally priced.