Fixer Upper House – West Jordan

Վաճառված Գին: $200,000
Տարածք: West Jordan
չափ: 1,889 ք.. ոտնաչափ. / Ակրերի քանակը: 0.25
մահճակալ: 3 / բաղնիք: 3

Օրավարձ Ft2: $106

Property Ներկիր:
Price ~ Close to Schools ~ Dead End Street

Պահանջելու Անձնական դիտելու:
Cody արքունիքի - 801-230-5218

Fixer Upper House - West Jordan
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

The Muve Team helped the Jankunasfind the perfect fixer upper that they were looking for. The Jankunasare a young family who were looking to MUVE UP from renting. We worked together with them to come up with their list of wants and needs. They were an extremely fun family to work with; it was genuinely exciting to see their faces light up when we foundThe One”. We had them muved in just in time for Halloween, which, Mrs. Jankunas was very excited to decorate for. They are extremely happy in their new home and we are excited to welcome them to the Muve Family.