Your Perfect Home

Վաճառված Գին: $750,000
Տարածք: Hardvard/Yale
չափ: 3,325 ք.. ոտնաչափ.
մահճակալ: 5 / բաղնիք: 4

Օրավարձ Ft2: $226

Your Perfect Home
Գնահատեք այս գրառումը

| Listing Sold by Hunter Virden հետ Ճանճեր |

| Listing compliments of Equity Real Estate |

Over the past few months I have been working with buyers who have very specific tastes and needs. They are empty nesters who were looking to մuve down to a smaller home that was more suitable for an older married couple. They also wanted to get into something in the same historic neighborhood where they had raised their children but they did not want an outdated or older home.

I offer buyers and sellers another perspective on how to buy their perfect home. I show them older homes that need updating , as well as homes that currently may not look like their perfect home. Սակայն, with a little remodeling and after they have added their own little touch, it will become their perfect home.

We looked at over 30 homes in one area and nothing was meeting their needs. After months of searching and a few failed deals, we finally found a home that was recently remodeled with new hardwood floors, ջրմուղ, ջեռուցում, ապակ., դռներ, as well as the fine details to give it that extra WOW factorlike a Viking Oven and an original Tudor doorbell. The designer highlighted the original architecture and layout of the home which kept the house consistent with the neighborhood. The second I took my buyers through the home they fell in love and made an offer on the spot. My buyers loved the updated features of the home and it was also in the Harvard/Yale neighborhood that they had grown to love over their 20 years of living in Salt Lake.

I have found it very rewarding working with buyers because I am often helping someone buy their first home, downsize to a home that fits their needs, or get out of a bad situation in their current homes. When I work with buyers I am working with many different people at different stages of life and it is very interesting to me to see the difference in wants and needs in that “Perfect Home.”