ليس لديك متوسط ​​الرئيسية هولاداي – منتصف تحديثات المشروع

تباع السعر: $514,500
منطقة: هولاداي
أكرات: 0.26
السرير: 4 / حمام: 3

السعر لكل قدم2: $134

تسليط الضوء على الممتلكات:
Huge Rooms - جناح رئيسي - Sunkin Living Room

طلب عرض خاص:
كودي تشامبرلين - 801.240.5218

ليس لديك متوسط ​​الرئيسية هولاداي - منتصف تحديثات المشروع
قيم هذا المنصب


We wanted to bring you a quick update on this sexy Muve Approved Mid-Century Modern home. The project is coming together as paint is just about to start!

A huge transformation has taken place as you can see from the BEFORE بعد.

This property has undergone major changes as almost every thing is new. An open spacious floorpan has been incorporated into the renovation as you can see by looking at the photos.

This home is not pre-sold yet, but we can’t assure that it will last all the way up to the listing date..

We are super excited to see this project come to the finish line and we hope you are too!